Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This is our website

Dr K everyone this is our website
We hope you like it we really enjoyed doing this website i know i really did
i really enjoyed this class it was not what i expected when i took this class
i was very pleasantly suprised it is so much more i live the topics we talked about
i loved the way we were encouraged to find the truth not what people wanted us to know
the truth is a very powerful thing some people like the truth some dont

Thursday, October 8, 2009

now victor

this week i decided to wright about this is what it means to say phoenix, arizona i liked the part when they were in the plain talking to cathy and she was talking about the 1980 olympics about how the government messed them up and when the boys were young and they were celebrating fourth of july and victor said it man why would the indians celebrate that holiday of all holidays why that one its not like anybody fought for them its messed up how the whole tribe always made fun of him and he was the only one in tribe who made any sense

Friday, October 2, 2009


od as it is i havent seen the show 24 i rarely have time to watch tv i did however read the readings it seems to me that it is no different than most movies about war i do watch NCIS and there has been tuture on that show i dont know if i could call it positive or negative because people know its just fiction most people any way terrorism is a very touchy subject in america post 9/11 and in the eyes of america seeing on tv what our government might be doing or in some cases what we hope our government is doing to fight terrorism post 9/11 america minds are still in retaliation reading normalizing torture on 24 got me thinking about it and i started asking people i knew if they watched 24 and the ones who did seemed to enjoy the torture on the show kinda makes you wonder if our government really does that kinda thing but that is a whole other blog all together but most the people i talk to it kinda gave them peace thinking that they deserved it