Thursday, October 8, 2009

now victor

this week i decided to wright about this is what it means to say phoenix, arizona i liked the part when they were in the plain talking to cathy and she was talking about the 1980 olympics about how the government messed them up and when the boys were young and they were celebrating fourth of july and victor said it man why would the indians celebrate that holiday of all holidays why that one its not like anybody fought for them its messed up how the whole tribe always made fun of him and he was the only one in tribe who made any sense


  1. Josh--

    In Smoke Signals, the film version of this book, this scene takes place on a bus and ends with Victor and Thomas chanting, in traditional Spokane style, an ode to "John Wayne's Teeth." It's awesome. Maybe we'll have time to see it in class.

    I think you're right that both Victor and Thomas are constantly speaking the truth, in their own ways, but they are often ridiculed for it. There is a sense that the truth is dangerous, and that's why Thomas gets arrested in "The Trial of Thomas Builds-the-Fire."

    By extension, are we supposed to see Alexie's stories as truthfully "dangerous"?

  2. Hi Josh,

    I sure enjoyed this chapter of the book too. It was fun to see Victor and Thomas interact with the gymnast. I had never had the impression before that chapter than Thomas Builds the Fire had any interest in girls, but it seemed that he was a little smitten by the gymnast. She, of course, was pretty shallow and not really much interested in what either of the boys had to say, but she was a very good character in the book. I thought it was particularly funny when Thomas tried to imitate the gymnast and do some of her gymnast-type moves!

    Also very interesting to see was how Sherman Alexie made this part of the movie somewhat different that the book. I so wanted to smack those two rednecks who were taking the boys’ seats ;)

    I am anxious to see this entire movie - my husband raves about it, but I haven't seen it yet, except what we saw in class. I will certainly be able to point out some things to my husband when we watch it together that he might not have known when he saw the movie previously.

    See you Saturday!


  3. Josh you are right that in this storie and even in the book we fond that people make fun of both victor and Thomas and that thay do not want to hear the truth. Like in the book why do the Indians celebrate the fourth of July. I believe that the main reaso that most of the tribe pick on at least Thomas is because he tells he truth and they don't want to hear it.
    When Thomas and Victor are on the plane talking to the gymnist I find it interesting that Cathy thinks they have things in common because the president stoped them compeating and in this way she is similar to the Indians .
