Thursday, September 24, 2009

I am Gatsby

i am realy glad Dr. K put the prompts on her blog because i havent been able to think at all about what to blog about. i think this story would have been way more of a lovr story if gatsby would have narrated this book nick did a good job playing up the american dream stuff which ties into the stuff we are learning about in class but i think the story would have had a much more interesting theme if was a love story told bu gatsby. his love for daisy you could tell was deep i wonder what kind of stories of the past he could tell, like talk a little more about the girl he loved in luisivill

Thursday, September 17, 2009

the web page project

matt wand i talk this morning i think the web page is gonna be just as cool as our presentation he has some really cool ideas about doing a matrix web page which i think could be really neat do a kinda here's a side for people that want to see the myth and do a side for people who want to see the truth which is something i could really sink my teeth into as you all know by reading my blogs i have no problem at all telling people the truth even if it does offend i had some really cool ideas about the truth side of the web page being a kinda conspiracy theory page breaking down the myth into its true form I'm still trying to find some stuff on this play that i seen in Cherokee nation called onto these hills its a play about the trail of tears its a very touching play it goes in detail about allot of the stories we have heard and read about in class
i have this strong tie to this class i have family on both sides of the frontier my family tree can by traced back to Danial Boone in Kentucky and also an Indian Princess that was maried to or related to President Lincoln but i have this feeling that i need to find out the truth for my self how this country came to be its not like we can go back in time and change anything but i think people need to know the truth i myself would love to find out more in my research about the truth and share it with all of you

Thursday, September 10, 2009

the truth

its been pointed out to me that i may be being a little to outspoken in my blog posts i do have very strong opinions on these subjects like the birth of our nation the so called American frontier i have roots that go back on both sides of that some i am proud of and some i am not the truth is i have no idea why i feel the way i do but at the same time i am trying to get a job with the same government i speek about in my blogs so i feel i should tone down my words a tad this week i am going to blog about Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill Matt Davidson and I are going to be giving our presentation this sat about this so im not gonna give to much away because alot of what we found was the truth there are two pictures in our power point that hit me kind of hard there of the grave sites of Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill and you can see that Buffalo Bills grave is decorated and quite large and Sitting Bulls grave is nothing more than a small white head stone

Friday, September 4, 2009

la migra la migra

in my last post i did alot of ranting a raving about how the four fathers of this country stole this land and called it free. putting aside my beliefs about how this country was formed, it was under my impression that the idea of this country was a refuge of people running away from their country to make a better life for them and their family. that is what our history books tell us. so who was it that decided to shut the gates to this land of the free and make it the land of who ever has the most money can come in and make their home. i read the peom La Migra by Pat Mora and the first part made me mad because its true our border patrol are some of the cruelest group people in our country i know i have family that do that for a living. then i read the second half and had to laugh the irony blew my mind how it switched like that. mayor giuliani of new york said in his news confance of 9 11 that we are not a country of culture but a country of multi culture living together and if that was the idea of the united states of america to begin with why does it have to change i understand the fact that we have to protect our borders from people that want to do us harm but why should we have the right to shoot on sight the people that just want to make a better life for their family.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009