Thursday, September 10, 2009

the truth

its been pointed out to me that i may be being a little to outspoken in my blog posts i do have very strong opinions on these subjects like the birth of our nation the so called American frontier i have roots that go back on both sides of that some i am proud of and some i am not the truth is i have no idea why i feel the way i do but at the same time i am trying to get a job with the same government i speek about in my blogs so i feel i should tone down my words a tad this week i am going to blog about Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill Matt Davidson and I are going to be giving our presentation this sat about this so im not gonna give to much away because alot of what we found was the truth there are two pictures in our power point that hit me kind of hard there of the grave sites of Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill and you can see that Buffalo Bills grave is decorated and quite large and Sitting Bulls grave is nothing more than a small white head stone


  1. I am so freakin' annoyed! I just lost this nice, long post that I wrote in response to your blog. Of course, I wasn't working in Word...

    At any rate, I had two points to make. The first one was that I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the presentation you and Matt did on Saturday. It was really fun and very informative. I liked the interaction between the two of you, and your script writing was great! I liked the effort that you and Matt went to to find a costume and (poor Matt) to wear it. However, I did find it really funny that we are talking about the cartoonization of the West, and here comes Matt in this rather cartoonish costume. While I think Matt had the best Indian chief costume he could find, the pants and shirt just cracked me up! How many times have you seen a “real” Indian wearing something like that? Too funny! I really do appreciate the effort that you guys put into the presentation. It was great.
    I do agree with you about the gravesite issue. Really amazing, but certainly appropriate.
    Second, I wanted to let you know that I don’t think you need to tone down your blogs (unless Dr. K has told you to do so ;) I think one of the strong points in the blogs is that each personality shows through, and that is definitely a plus – whether you agree with the person’s viewpoint or not.

  2. Josh,
    I would have to agree with both points that Lou has stated above. Your presentation this week was a very interesting one and I love reading your opinions and interpretations on your blogs. But back to your point about the two grave sites. I agree with you on the grave decorations. Why is it that the Native Americans are not given the credit that they deserve? And why hasn't Sitting Bull's grave been decorated today?
    I found that after your presentation, I really enjoyed learning about Sitting Bull. He is definitely a person in history that deserves to be studied. I remember wondering in your presentation how Sitting Bull felt about the oppression that he and his people felt. I also thought very highly of him when I learned from Cindy's presentation of his relationship with Annie Oakley. Learning these things just shows what a great character Sitting Bull was.

  3. Josh
    You are right that it is interesting that Sitting Bulls grave has not become a monument like Buffalo Bills grave has. I think this is because maybe people have a greater respect for Sitting Bulls grave site, or it may be that people keep going to the monument that you spoke of in your presentation thinking it is Sitting Bulls grave and leave it at that. I do not know the reason that Sitting Bulls graved has not become a tourist attraction.
    The presentation in class was wonderful. You and Matt did a great job on it. I found all of the information that you presented was interesting and made me want to read more about both Buffalo Bill and Sitting Bull.
